uploads/ape man.jpg

ape man 猿人。


Province in northwest china has been part of the cradle of chinese civilization and abounds with historical sites . the lantian ape man of some 800 , 000 years ago and the site of a maternal clan commune at banpo dating back to 6 , 000 years ago were found in this province . xi an , the provincial capital , known as chang an in ancient times , was the starting point of the silk road and served as the imperial capital for many dynasties 陜西是中華民族方化發詳地之一,也是文物古跡薈萃之地,考古發現有距今約80萬年的藍田猿人和6000年前原始社會母系氏族公社的半坡村遺址,以及秦始皇陵兵馬俑,省府西安即古長安是絲綢之路的起點,自西安至寶雞途中又有以茂陵為首的漢代帝王陵墓群,唐代帝王陵墓群,及法門寺等歷史古跡。

Mongolia and russia as a rumor that the biological ape man in the distant mountains circled many people might say yes neanderthalensis relics 蒙古和俄羅斯都謠傳有猿人般的生物在遙遠的山區盤旋,許多人都說可能是尼安德塔人的遺跡。

When i see narrow forehead and protruding lips of peking ape man in museum , i feel dejected for hominid ' s roughness in remote antiquity 當我在博物館里看到北京猿人窄小的額和前凸的吻時,我為人類原始時期的粗糙而黯然。

They created humans , homo sapiens , through genetic manipulation with themselves and ape man homo erectus 他們創造了人類,智人,通過基因遺傳而幫助猿人變成智人。